Chaos and Pain Cannibal Riot Pre-Workout
Chaos and Pain Cannibal Riot Pre-Workout
Cannibal Riot Pre Workout
Tired of preworkouts that are basically like drinking a cup of coffee laced with poison ivy? Yeah, we are too. We’d rather be a one-person riot in the gym, trashing PRs like they’re police barricades and rampaging through the gym like European college students through a WTO meeting. That’s why we created the all-new Cannibal Riot, a pump and stimulant preworkout that will have you tweaking while your skin threatens to rip and spill all of your vascularity onto the floor.
Beta Alanine– 3.2g of beta-alanine will boost your muscular endurance through the roof and make recovery so quick and painless you will wonder if you hit the gym hard enough.
L-Citrulline– With 2g of citrulline in each scoop, you’ll see a serious increase in your rep maxes… so if you’re thinking of challenging your partner to a death set, make sure you slam some Cannibal Riot first.
N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine– Fight off brain fog and all distractions with the laser-like focus that 500mg of N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine will give you.
Caffeine Anhydrous– With 350mg of caffeine per scoop, you’re probably not going to be wanting for energy.
VASO-6™– 300mg of our proprietary vascularity-inducing compound VASO-6™, you’ll be a phlebotomist’s dream and the envy of everyone in the gym.
Glucoronolactone– This bad little nootropic has been shown to improve attention and verbal reasoning, so with 200mg of this stuff in each scoop you’ll be hyper-focused through your set and potentially able to out-argue anyone in the gym at the water fountain.
Isopropylnorsynephrine– The coup de grace of the entire formula is 20mg of isopropylnorsynephrine, or as you should think of it, synephrine gone Super Saiyan. The perfect complement to caffeine, this super stimulant will raise your pulse and raise your metabolism. What could be better than tearing into the weights with your fat burning furnace set to “Broil”?